Sunrise at Dolly Sods is a spectacular time. It’s honestly my favorite time up there. The quietness. The beautiful colors in the sky. It’s all just so perfect and serene. Getting up at 4am doesn’t matter, because it’s totally worth it.

Caroline’s session was so much fun! Caroline loves the outdoors, so Dolly Sods was an absolutely perfect place to take her senior photos. It’s also a place that means so much to her family. We explored some in the town of Thomas too and ended at some gorgeous waterfalls.

She has some amazing plans for her future. She wants to attend college and major in neuroscience and minor in psychology. So cool! She loves listening to Conan Gray, Wallows, mxmtoon and loves being in choir.

It was such a great time and so wonderful to meet you all!

Because who doesn’t love a waterfall gif! :)